Finance focus
Tips for buying sight unseen

There’s no doubt about it. Buying sight unseen – that is, purchasing a property without viewing it in person – can be risky. 

What if it has a strange smell when you finally do enter the property? 

What if it’s a little darker than how it appeared in the advertisement photos? 

What if the neighbour has a junkyard encroaching on your doorstep or there’s a huge electrical tower outside? 

These are all valid concerns, but despite this, some property hunters are still diving in with a sight unseen regional or interstate purchase. Why? 

One common reason is that low levels of new listings is creating fierce competition between buyers in some markets, and savvy investors know that when an opportunity arises, sometimes you just need to jump.  

So, how do you mitigate risk when buying sight unseen? Here are some tips.  

Know your ‘why’ and do your research 

Investors usually buy for either capital growth potential or for cash flow. What is your driver? This will ultimately affect the type of property you buy. 

If capital growth is the end goal, consider: 

If you are buying purely for cash flow, you’ll want to find a property with a high yield. With this strategy, the rental income will likely cover the costs associated with owning the property. 

Do an inspection   

If there’s one thing that the pandemic taught us, it’s that you can do more than you think remotely.  

With so many online resources available, it’s possible to find your next real estate investment, do extensive research online, get a feel for the neighbourhood on Google maps, and even do an inspection – all from your computer, iPad or smartphone. 

These days most real estate agents will happily do a virtual walkthrough with you via a video call. However, if you can get someone to physically inspect the property on your behalf, that’s always preferrable. 

It could be a family member or friend whose judgement you trust. Otherwise, you may consider hiring a buyer’s agent. They can do inspections, offer advice and bid on your behalf at auction.  

As with any property purchase, don’t forget to get building and pest inspections. 

Get a valuation 

An official valuation is a great way to get a true indication of a property’s value and to make sure you’re not overpaying. 

If you’re purchasing sight unseen, it’s worth considering paying the money for a valuation for peace of mind.  

Speak to a property manager 

Once you buy an investment property, you’ll likely get a property manager to take care of it for you. Why not consider enlisting their help sooner rather than later? 

If you’re buying sight unseen, they can provide market insights and help answer any questions you may have. 

Ready to get started? 

Keeping an open mind to opportunities that aren’t necessarily in your own backyard can pay off, as long as you do your research and due diligence. 

If you’re considering buying an interstate or regional property sight unseen, it’s important to have your finance in order.  

Speak to us about organising pre-approval, so that you’re ready to go when the right property comes along. Get in touch today. 

The information provided is general information only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. We recommend that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances. Your full financial situation will need to be reviewed prior to acceptance of any offer or product. This article does not constitute legal, tax or financial advice and you should always seek professional advice in relation to your individual circumstances. Subject to lenders terms and conditions, fees and charges and eligibility criteria apply.